Monday, April 6, 2009

You can now apply for the LCCI International Certificate with your SPM…

Looking for a brighter future?

What you need to know…………

What is LCCI?

Since 1881, London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) International Qualifications from the United Kingdom has been one of the world’s top international exam bodies for business qualifications. In a globally competitive employment market, these skills give you a big advantage in terms of international recognition and industry-relevant competencies.

With more than 500,000 entries annually, students from over 125 countries use LCCI qualifications to enhance their skills in the working world. Since these qualifications combine the best of academia and industry, many students also use LCCI to enter universities and professional bodies.

LCCI is represented in 24 Asian countries and is a market leader in countries like Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong. LCCI examinations have been available in Malaysia for more than 70 years, and generations of students have grown up with and become successful on, the foundation of LCCI’s financial qualifications.

What is SPM Double Certification Project?

The SPM Double Certification Project is a joint project between Malaysia’s Ministry of Education and LCCI International Qualifications. This means that if you pass the SPM Principles of Accounting you are entitled to receive LCCI’s Level 2 Certificate in Book-keeping and Accounts. This double certification, along with the necessary soft skills, will definitely make you more employable.

Who can apply for the LCCI Certificate?

If you obtain a Grade 6C or above in SPM Principles of Accounting you are eligible for the LCCI Level 2 Book-keeping and Accounts (Bahasa Malaysia) Certificate.

Additionally, if you score a Grade 6C or above for both SPM Principles of Accounting and English 1119 you are eligible for the LCCI Level 2 Book-keeping and Accounts Certificate.

How will this benefit you?

LCCI’s Certificates provide the following benefits:

· RECOGNITION - LCCI is recognized by Malaysian companies, both big and small, for its practical and relevant nature. Top professional bodies such as ACCA and CIMA also recognize LCCI qualifications.

· INTERNATIONAL - LCCI’s quality is consistent around the world and gives students the assurance of a globally accepted qualification.

· FLEXIBILITY - LCCI is suitable both for full time students as well as busy working adults because its qualifications can be taken as short modules over a period of time.

How can I get the LCCI Certificate?

Students can apply for the Certificate through the following channels:

a. Directly from your school within 1 month from the date that SPM results are released.

b. Directly or via postal services with LCCI International Qualifications Malaysia office.

c. Directly or via postal services with LCCI International Qualifications Authorised Training Centres

LCCI International Qualifications (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.

Suite 10.01, 10th Floor, Menara Yayasan Selangor, 18A, Persiaran Barat 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.

Application Procedures:

a. Fill in the application form which is available at all schools, LCCI Malaysia office, LCCI website ( and LCCI authorized training centres;

b. Enclose a copy of your SPM result slip;

c. Enclose a copy of your identity card; and

d. There is an administration fee of RM25.00 for the processing and production of each certificate. (If you need your certificate to be posted to you directly, please enclose a self-addressed Post Express envelope which will cost you RM4.00)


  1. Puan...Saya telah bekerja tapi berminat nak ambik LCCi Part Time...leh Puan rekomen mana2 kolej @ institut yg sesuai di lembah Klang ?

  2. Puan , saya michelle .saya dah dapat sijil lcci level 1 dan sekarang saya ingin teruskan belajar level 2 and 3 .Oleh itu,saya ingin tau kolej yang ada di malaysia dan di luar negara .(yang boleh saya daftar)
    pls reply ...

  3. Salam Cikgu.
    sy pun mcm Wan Khai... sudah bekerja dan nk tahu mcm mana nk amik LCCI secara part time. berapa lama tempoh utk dptkan LCCI tu? yurannye pula mcm mana?

  4. ckg, saya merupakan pelajar SPM tahun lepas. saya skrg ni nak apply utk sijil LCCI. saya dah semak website yang ckg bagi, tapi tak jumpe pun. boleh tolong saya cikgu??

  5. selamat pagi puan..saya baru habis belajar di kolej komuniti..ambil course certificate in bussines accounting.dan sekarang sy berkerja tapi berminat nak ambik LCCi part time,boleh Puan rekomen mana2 kolej @ institut yg sesuai di kl or kasih

  6. selamat pagi puan..saya baru habis belajar di kolej komuniti..ambil course certificate in bussines accounting.dan sekarang sy berkerja tapi berminat nak ambik LCCi part time,boleh Puan rekomen mana2 kolej @ institut yg sesuai di kl or kasih

  7. selamat pagi puan..saya baru habis belajar di kolej komuniti..ambil course certificate in bussines accounting.dan sekarang sy berkerja tapi berminat nak ambik LCCi part time,boleh Puan rekomen mana2 kolej @ institut yg sesuai di kl or kasih

  8. salam cikgu!
    i want to ask,can i apply the lcci cert but im the 1st badge student (2008)i get A1 in accounting.but i didn't apply at the momemt then now im regret and wish to apply for the,what can i do next?
    I just finished pre-U which is stpm,so,i consider to study that okay?or i must complete degree 1st??
    waiting for ur reply.
    thank you very much!

  9. Cikgu, sy punya prinsip perakaunan SPM tahun lepas dpt C, tapi yg LCCI tu x de kat tepi '1119(GCE-O) tu. Apakah maksud ni, cikgu? Adakah saya x layak utk mendapat sijil LCCI?

  10. Salam cikgu, saya calon SPM tahun lepas. Utk P.akaun saya dpt C dalam SPM, tapi xde tulisan LCCI kat bawah. Adakah sy x layak utk ambik sijil LCCI?

  11. Salam Puan , saya golongan bekerja yang ingin mengambil LCCI Lvl 3 secare part time. Boleh tak puan rekemen mane2 tempat di area KL-SEl. Thanks in advance.

  12. Good morning madam..i want to ask about the can i aplly or register to LCCI..?

  13. assalamualaikum.. puan.. sy lepasan spm 2010.. dan saya dapat LCCI level 2 certificate in book-keeping and accounts ( pass with credit ) .. jdi sy nk tnye ape course yg ssuai utk sy ambil sbg partime di KL or Selangor sbb sy bekerja.

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